Title Page
Running head is maximum of 50 characters and spaces, avoid abbreviations
Introduction is a maximum of 2,000 characters and spaces, including names
Text uses active voice and first-person verb forms whenever possible
Text does not use euphemism, regionalisms, or jargon
Abbreviations are used sparingly and consistently
Each author-defined abbreviation is spelled out at first use (the abbreviation follows the term, in parentheses)
Supplier name and location (city and country) are given for all chemicals, feeds, software, and equipment
Text concludes with a one-paragraph Implications section (maximum 1,000 characters and spaces, no literature citations, avoid or redefine all abbreviations)
Literature Cited
Literature Cited is double spaced and in normal type size
Publisher name and location are given for books, handbooks, reports, and all other non-journal references
Citations are in alphabetical order, by names of all authors
Submitted papers not yet accepted are not listed in Literature Cited (cite in text as "unpublished data")
Information in tables does not duplicate data appearing in text
Tables and their footnotes are double spaced
Abbreviations used in a table are redefined in that table
Original figures of the best possible quality
Legends are placed together on a separate page, not on the figures themselves, and double spaced
Abbreviations used in a figure are redefined in that figure's legend
Information appearing in figures is appropriate for figure format
Lettering is clear, of proper size and proportions for figure, and without misspellings
Symbols are of proper size and are distinct (avoid use of gray shading on figures)
Abbreviations for units of measure conform to SI styles
Copyright Issues
The copyright to material published in Zootechniya is held by Zootechniya. Persons who wish to reproduce material in Zootechniya must request written permission from the editor-in-chief to reprint copyrighted information. Likewise, authors of Zootechniya manuscripts who include material (usually tables or figures) taken from other copyrighted sources must secure permission from the copyright holders and provide written evidence of this permission at the time the manuscript is submitted to Zootechniya for review. Tables or figures reproduced from the work of others must include an acknowledgment of the original source in a footnote or legend.